DOWNLOAD SKRIPSI BAHASA INGGRIS An analysis of English Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Test of 7th grade at SMP BUANA Waru Sidoarjo

Posted by Unknown on Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

DOWNLOAD SKRIPSI BAHASA INGGRIS An analysis of English Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Test of 7th grade at SMP BUANA Waru Sidoarjo


Nafsah, Ema Rahmatun. 2011. An analysis of English Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Test of 7th grade at SMP BUANA Waru Sidoarjo. A Thesis. English Education Department, State Institute for Islamic Studies Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Advisor, Dra. Irma Soraya, M.Pd.

Key Words : validity, face validity, content validity, reliability, item analysis, index of difficulty, index of discrimination, effectiveness of distractors.

Teaching is related to the learning process and testing is related to an evaluation process. Testing is to determine he achievement and progress of instruction. Testing and teaching are so closely interrelated that it is virtually impossible to work either field without being constantly concerned with the other. It can be seen that teaching learning activities can be considered successful since testing is aimed to determine the achievement of the objective of education. Teacher as a constructor of the test should construct a good test so that the test will be valid and reliable. Test that is made by the teacher called teacher made test. it is still to be questioned whether the test is valid and reliable or not because teacher rarely tried out the test first before giving it to the students. Knowing this fact, teacher should analyze the test so that the teacher will know the quality of the test. By analyzing the test, the teacher will know which item can be used or revised.

Based on the explanation above An analysis of English Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Test of 7th grade at SMP BUANA Waru Sidoarjo are analyzed. It is analyzed whether it is constructed in right way, following the right principles or not. From the problem there a statement of problem. It is “What is the quality of Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) of7th grade at SMP Buana Waru based on the standard of test?”

This study is expected to be useful for teachers in constructing a good English test, for the students in showing their real achievement in their studying, and for those who are involved in teaching learning process, I order to determine the effectiveness in teaching learning process. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The source of the data in this study is the final test items, the students’ answer sheet, and the students’ scores of 7th grade students in SMP BUANA especially for 7B, 7D, and 7E, as a sample study because the writer take the data randomly.

In collecting the data, the writer makes some steps. First is finding the test items. Second is finding the students’ answer sheet. Third is finding the scores of the students from the students answer sheet which have been scored by the teacher. Fourth is arranging the students’ score and then classifying the students into two groups they are upper and lower group based on their score. And the last step is doing analysis to answer the statements of problem.

The result of the study leads to the conclusion that An analysis of English Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Test that has been constructed by an English teacher of 7th grade in SMP BUANA Waru Sidoarjo has good test based on the characteristics of a good test, good face validity and high content validity, high reliability, good index of difficulty but poor index of discrimination.

  1. BAB I
  2. BAB II
  3. BAB III
  4. BAB IV
  5. BAB V

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