Name : Marita Lailia Rahman
NIM : D35207001
Title : Photos as a Teaching Media to Improve the Competence of “Students with Different Ability” in Mastering English Vocabulary at SMPLB Negeri Gedangan, Sidoarjo.
Key Words : Photos, Students with Different Ability, English Vocabulary
Students with different ability (deaf) are the individuals who have listening disturbance function in translating sounds. This disfunction will cause someone cannot catch any stimulation in listening sense. Students need to improve the listening function through language that are flexible, rich and suitable following their limited capacity. In Indonesia, they also often forget how to arrange the words into sentences, particularly in english writing. As an improving for the competence of students with different ability, teaching media that can increase their language ability especially in mastering english vocabulary is badly needed.
This thesis spesifically focuses on using photos as a teaching media to improve the competence of students with different ability in mastering English vocabulary. According to the theories that have been discussed, photos can be used in many condition in teaching level and some disciplines.
The main objectives of this paper are (1) to analyze the implementation of using photos in mastering english vocabulary for students with different ability (2) to examine the effect of using photos in mastering english vocabulary for students with different ability.
By using pre-experiment research design , the data of this research are from test and documentation. The result of this study shows on the research analyzed with sign test on SPSS 16.0, data on column Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) is 0,031 (< 0,05) confirming that Ho is rejected and Ha is confirmed. This means that using photos as a teaching media to improve the competence of students with different ability in mastering english vocabulary is effective.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that the implementation of photos improves students’ English vocabulary at SMPLB Negeri Gedangan, Sidoarjo.
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