Pengaruh dari Using Pictures di Penguasaan Kosa Kata Learners pada Seventh Grade dari Mts Babussalam Mojoagung Jombang
Language is very important in our life, let alone in our daily communication.
Language is a mean of communication. People can communicate either by audiovisual
aids or they use it direct or face to face to express their emotion, feeling,
and ideas. There are various languages in the world, such as Indonesia, Arabic,
English, Spanish and others. English is one of international languages which is
important to learn, because it is used for scientific books, and used in new
technology such as computer, internet, mobile phone etc. English is second
language at schools in Indonesia; it starts from kindergarten to university.
There are four language skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In
addition to the four languages content of grammar, vocabulary, and
pronunciation. Long and Richard state that “vocabulary is like grammar,
essential component of all aspects of language”1. Based on this statement, the
researcher infers that vocabulary is as developing learner’s competence in
language. Vocabulary is crucial component in requiring and understanding
A good vocabulary goes hand in hand with an ability to think logically and to
learn easily and quickly. A good vocabulary and ability is to use words correctly
1 Michael H. Long and Jack C. Richard, Methodology in TESOL; A Book of Reading (New York: New
Barry House Publisher, 1987).P.305
and effectively can be passport to world of interesting and exciting information.
The tenses of English can be in the past, present, and future depend on the time
when the people speak.
Large vocabulary can help to express an idea precisely in communication. It
is often believed that a large numbers of words to master English language are
needed. As we know that learners’ problem in English understanding the
meaning of words, word form differentiations, and in applying words in
sentence. Some words forms grammatically; such as noun, verb, adjective,
adverb, pronoun, (parts of speech). Marcella Frank states that Noun is the most
important parts of speech; it is arrangement with the verb helps to form the
sentence core which is essential to every complete sentence. In addition it may
function as the chief or “head” word in many structures of modification. 2Based
on the statement that noun is important word to complete sentence, it is not to be
arranged when no noun is in it. Noun can put in the subject and in the object;
Such as I learn English; noun is as subject and object.
For school in Indonesia, vocabulary is one of the language components that
undirected teaching and learning. It includes in four language skills; listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. They cover communicative competence.
Teaching and learning should be exciting and satisfying for both teacher and
learners to organize learners. The innovative teacher has too many positive and
2 Marcella Frank, Modern English ; A Practical Reference Guide (New York University: Prentice-
Hall, INC, 1972) P.06
effective resources available to resort to shoddy and punitive measures. Many
teachers’ experiences state that almost all of their earlier punitive consequences
could have been handled in a more positive manner. A teacher who truly cares
will practice developing positive responses3.
In English teaching, a teacher has to think a suitable way, subject material
and how to apply it in a classroom. He/ She is demanded to be a success teacher
in teaching foreign language. He/ She should be creative to teach this subject in
various ways and to stimulate learners in order to feel comfortable in teaching
learning process, especially understanding the material it self. Because English is
foreign language for Indonesian learners.
There are many ways in teaching and learning English as a solution for
teacher’s problems. Exactly, He/ She usually uses the easiest and simplest ways
in teaching and learning process. He/ She can combine the social interaction with
physical action; by visiting museum, temples, or having a tour. Teacher
encourages his/ her learners to do something there, and they have got a task
which is natural to write about. In the classroom, teacher usually gives simple
words and using media aids to give an alternative technique of teaching and
learning process.
If you wish to think and communicate more effectively, you must increase
your vocabulary and improve your word using skill. The best way to develop rich
3 Charles H. Madsen and Clifford K. Madson, Teaching/ Discipline A Positive Approach For
Educational Development (Third Edition)(Sidney: Allyn and Bacon, 1981)P.197
vocabulary is to have reach experiences travel, going to movies, plays, and
concerts, seeing things, meeting people, listening to good conversation, and
selecting going television broadcast.4
One of ways in teaching and learning English by using visual aids which the
researcher choices in this research is by using pictures, because they are more
effective and helpful tools to motivate learners in language learning and to
explain word meaning that cannot be understood into classroom. As Robert J.
Nielsen states that pictures are not only worth a thousand words, but also it can
be used in a wide variety of teaching activities.5 Pictures can also help teacher to
make class to be more active and lively. Therefore learners have a lot of funs
during the lesson. It is hoped that this way can help teacher makes his/ her
learners interest in learning writing.
In international seminar on implementing of communicative language
learning on Thrusday, 19 March 2009 the presenter Mr. Dhoul Millal said that
how do make your language easier to understand? In that seminar he suspected
the following ways:
1. Slowing down the speech rate,
2. Making more distinct articulation,
3. Using more simple vocabulary and sentence,
4. Giving modeling,
4 The world book student hand book, (Chicago: Child craft international, Inc ,1978), P. 82
5 Syeha Ramadan, “Some Errors in Vocabularies in Teaching Writing Through pictures”, English
Education Thesis (Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Library, 2007), P. 04.t.d.
5. Making repetitions, rephrasing,
6. Using gesture,
7. Using visual aids, such as pictures and real object6
It shows that picture has an important role in teaching and learning process.
They can improve the motivation in teaching and learning process. They will not
be successful without motivation. It suggests that using pictures are a good way
to motivate learners in teaching and learning process. Hacbarth states that “the
advantages of picture in teaching and learning processes are interesting to look at
the picture; it is clearer, able to illustrate a process.7
Teacher can use various visual sources in teaching language, such as; using
tape recorders, pictures, cards, television, etc. By using suitable way determines
what and how much taught (selection), the order in which it is taught (gradation).
How the meaning and form are conveyed (presentation) and what is done to
make the use of the language unconscious (repetition).8 Based on the case, the
researcher will give an alternative way to enrich learners’ comprehension by
using picture in teaching that is effective helpful in teaching and learning
process. Therefore learners get easy in understanding and studying English.
If someone has ability in mastering English, he/ she may express many skills
by writing in English. DEPDIKBUD RI states that” Di Indonesia, Bahasa inggris
6 Dhoul Milal:2009, Implementing of Communicative Language Learning (International Seminar,
March 2009)P.02
7 Prof. Dr. H. Hamzah B. Uno, M.Pd, Profesi Kependidikan (Jakarta:PT.Bumi Aksara, 2007)P.43
8 William Francis Mackey, Language Teaching Analysis (London: London Longman Group
Ltd,1965)P. 09
adalah bahasa asing yang sangat penting untuk menyerap dan mengembangkan
keilmuan, teknologi dan seni budaya, juga untuk membangun hubungan dengan
Negara- Negara lain (English is second language that is important to absorb and
develop skill, technology, and art. And also to grow correlation up other
Based on the statement above, we know that pictures are a visual aid that can
support learners in teaching and learning process. The researcher wants to know
whether or not pictures can support learners’ skill, knowledge, motivation and
achievement. Therefore researcher wants to prove the statement by using the